Author Archives: vivek

What is the minimum number of tutors and students you need to start a new chapter of OneInMath?

To start a new chapter, we recommend a small class size, i.e. 10 to 20 students at the max, and 3-5 tutors including the session lead. Session lead will also be playing the role of a tutor to learn and experience the life of a tutor that he/she would be managing in successive sessions.

A typical class once the program is established is based on the available resources including library room size, and availability of volunteers. This capacity could be anywhere from 20 to 50 students.

Librarian says this program is better applicable at elementary schools instead of the library

All our experience talking to the librarian has been that this is a great program and everywhere the program is offered, librarians, parents and high school students love it and have benefitted in multiple ways.

Only once we heard  an observation from a librarian that this might be better suited if offered at elementary schools because it is a structured program.

The OneInMath program may be offered at any location like libraries, churches, community centers, etc. It may be offered as an after school program in elementary schools as well. However, there are several regulations and requirements for schools to run such a free program, making it much harder to implement in schools.

OneInMath is a structured program in the sense it is:

  • Highly individualized to cater to the students’ level.
  • There is a method of how we evaluate the students as to his current level of knowledge
  • There is a structure to how we create a nurturing positive environment for students to develop confidence and learn.

OneInMath has a different philosophy than schools. We do NOT emphasize how much a student knows and we don’t have set material that a student should cover in a given period of time. Rather, we are more interested in on how well a student has mastered each step of Arithmetic operations, and can they confidently do arithmetic operations both orally and in writing.

This strategy has shown amazing results! The program has been running in several libraries with resounding success. 99% of the parents recommend the program, and 100% of the parents have said that their kids has benefitted their child at least in one way.

We recommend you request the librarian to give you a chance to present the program to them so they can make an informed call to offer the program at their library or not.

New Chapter of OneInMath at Little Elm Public Library

We are happy to share that Jiya Madan, 10th grade student of Independence High School, along with her parents’ support has taken the initiative to open a new chapter of OneInMath at the Little Elm Public Library, in Little Elm, Texas.

Dr. Rachel Hadidi, Managing Director of Library Services, has been very kind to support the program. The program will be offered this Fall starting September 5th to November 14th, 2023.

Congratulations to Jiya and Dr. Hadidi on helping spread the love for Math in young children, which are the formative years for them to be more successful now and in the future!

For more details about the classes, please visit

New chapter of OneInMath in Feasterville, Pennsylvania

We are happy to share that Priyal Patel, 11th grade student of Neshaminy High School, along with her parents’ support has taken the initiative to open a new chapter of OneInMath at the Township Library of Lower Southampton, in Feasterville, Pennsylvania.

Ms. Sydney Coutts Mason, Library Director at the Library has been very kind to support the program. The program will be offered this Fall starting September 9th to November 18th, 2023.

Congratulations to Priyal and Ms. Mason on helping spread the love for Math in young children, which are the formative years for them to be more successful now and in the future!

For more details about the classes, please visit


Reduced Capacity due to Omicron – Spring 2022

Due to the rising Omicron cases, in an effort to keep the students and volunteers safe, all libraries have reduced the limit of students we are able to accommodate in the rooms. Due to this, we are starting off the Spring 2022 session with a reduced capacity in each of the libraries. We apologize for this inconvenience, and will surely expand the capacity once again when it is safe.

Reduced Capacity per library is as follows effectively immediately:

Eola Library – 16
Santori Library – 20
Ninety Fifth Street Library – 20
Nichols Library – 40
Naper Blvd Library – 15
Montgomery Library – 20

We want to thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Prarthana & OneInMath Team

Prarthana receives Service Above Self Scholarship!

Congratulations to Prarthana for receiving $4000 scholarship for her dedication and work to spread love for math in young kids in Naperville. 

The Rotary Club of Naperville “Service Above Self” Scholarship specifically recognizes and rewards an applicant who successfully demonstrates a substantial commitment to service. In 1989 The Rotary Council on Legislation established “Service Above Self” as the principal motto of Rotary because it best conveys the philosophy of unselfish volunteer service.

The $4,000 “Service Above Self” scholarship is awarded annually to 2-3 graduating high school seniors. Specific areas considered when reviewing applicants are in-school service and community service history, and evidence of a lifelong commitment to service.

Prarthana Award Certificate

Prathana receives 2020 Naperville Youth Service Award!

Congratulations to Prarthana on receiving the prestigious 2020 Naperville Youth Service Award presented by Mayor of Naperville, Steve Chirico! She was nominated by the Naperville Public Library Executive Director Dave Della Terza and Children’s supervisor Amanda Hanson.

Way to go Prarthana! 

Award Transcript from the Nominators:

The mission of the Naperville public library is to inform, inspire, and imagine. The Naperville public library has chosen Prarthana Prashanth for the Naperville Youth Service award. Prarthana has combined her passion for learning and education with her desire to help others into an immensely successful tutoring program called OneInMath. Prarthana has become the Chicagoland area leader of OneInMath. She went from teaching five students alone to currently teaching over 200 elementary students with over 40 high school aged tutors through her program. She has shown tremendous leadership skills with a thoughtful and relational style to recruiting area libraries as organizational partners, high school students as session volunteers, and elementary students to attend sessions. Prarthana is such a valued volunteer and we are grateful for all she does. Congratulations Prarthana for receiving the 2020 Naperville youth service award!

Writing by hand makes kids smarter

At OneInMath, one of our founding principles is practice, practice, practice. And it is practice by writing on paper. There is now a research that shows that writing by hand helps children learn more and remember better.

Van der Meer and her colleagues at Norwegian University of Science and Technology have recently published a study they conducted in 2020, with 12 adults and 12 children. This is the first time children participated in such a study. 

Each examination took 45 minutes per person, and the researchers received 500 data points per second.

The results showed that the brain in both young adults and children is much more active when writing by hand than when typing on a keyboard.

“The use of pen and paper gives the brain more ‘hooks’ to hang your memories on. Writing by hand creates much more activity in the sensorimotor parts of the brain. A lot of senses are activated by pressing the pen on paper, seeing the letters you write and hearing the sound you make while writing. These sense experiences create contact between different parts of the brain and open the brain up for learning. We both learn better and remember better,” says Van der Meer.

“Learning to write by hand is a bit slower process, but it’s important for children to go through the tiring phase of learning to write by hand. The intricate hand movements and the shaping of letters are beneficial in several ways. If you use a keyboard, you use the same movement for each letter. Writing by hand requires control of your fine motor skills and senses. It’s important to put the brain in a learning state as often as possible. I would use a keyboard to write an essay, but I’d take notes by hand during a lecture,” says Van der Meer.

“The brain has evolved over thousands of years. It has evolved to be able to take action and navigate appropriate behavior. In order for the brain to develop in the best possible way, we need to use it for what it’s best at. We need to live an authentic life. We have to use all our senses, be outside, experience all kinds of weather and meet other people. If we don’t challenge our brain, it can’t reach its full potential. And that can impact school performance,” says Van der Meer.

Paper Reference:

Eva Ose Askvik, F. R. (Ruud) van der Weel, Audrey L. H. van der Meer. The Importance of Cursive Handwriting Over Typewriting for Learning in the Classroom: A High-Density EEG Study of 12-Year-Old Children and Young Adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 2020; 11 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01810


Online OneInMath Program

As the libraries have closed, we have piloted an online version of the program for existing registered students to allow them to continue to learn and benefit from our program. We had our first pilot class last Sunday, and starting tomorrow we are launching online OneInMath classes for students who were part of Eola, Santori, 95th, Nichols, and Naper Blvd libraries. The online classes will start from Sunday, April 19th through Sunday, June 14th.

Thanks to Prarthana for taking the initiative and creating the online format of the program. Current students have already been contacted and Prarthana and her team have arranged for parents to print the math packets at home, or has arranged to get the sheets printed and distributed to the parents.

Online program will use Zoom video breakout room for each tutor to work with their assigned students, and the session leader and session manager would continue to supervise via Zoom. 

Stay safe!

Prarthana receives Daily Point Of Light Award!

On March 25th, Prarthana received the Daily Point of Light Award recognizing her inspiring work as a changemaker! For the last four years, (since her 8th grade), she has dedicated herself to spread the love of maths amongst young students. She established the OneInMath program in ChicagoLand and helps hundreds of students with the help of an army of high school volunteers. 

This award is given out each weekday by Points of Light, the world’s largest organization dedicated to volunteer service. Established by the late President George H.W. Bush during his presidency, the Daily Point of Light Award recognizes extraordinary volunteers who are donating their time and talent to better their communities.

OneInMath is a fully volunteer run structured program to teach basic math skills like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to kindergarten, first, second and third grade students. The program provides opportunity for high school students and adult volunteers to make a difference to their community.

You may view the article here:

Volunteer Inspires Confidence in Students Struggling With Math Through Tutoring Program