Empower your children by fostering their love for math!

Join OneInMath today, a free program run by volunteers for students in grades K-3! Fall 2024 session registration opens on July 27, 2024 at 12 PM CST! Please check our Location -> Classes page for details on Fall session.


OneInMath prides itself on its friendly environment and free of peer pressure. We individualize the process of learning math, so each student can learn at their own pace and build self confidence. We hope what we teach them today will help them succeed in the future!

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Join our amazing team of volunteers and help spread your love for math to young students! OneInMath’s tutors are teens who are proficient in math, allowing them to relate more to the students and teach in innovative ways while creating a fun and engaging atmosphere!

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Start A New Chapter

Research shows that intervention at young age to build a strong foundation in Math has significant impact in the later years! If you are a student or adult passionate to serve your community, or a Librarian interested in starting a new chapter of OneInMath, please click below to learn more.

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New OneInMath Chapter for a special Summer Session

We are starting a new Chapter at Scotch Plains Library in New Jersey for a short 5-week summer math program. Classes start on July 17th and end on August 20th, 2024. Take advantage of this summer opportunity! Go to Classes page for more details. If you have children in K-3rd grade, go ahead and register (Registration opens on June 1st, 2024).

New OneInMath Chapters in Spring 2024

We are pleased to announce OneInMath chapters are opening in the Bay Area in Spring 2024 at Berryessa and Cambrian branches of San Jose Public Library!

We are now serving 10 library locations across California, Illinois, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Texas driven by passionate volunteers!

Short 30 seconds video made by Volunteers of OneInMath chapter at Township Library of Lower Southhampton!

Check it out.

Potential Parents & Volunteers

Checkout our short program video!

If you are interested in volunteering in any capacity (tutors, session leaders, session managers, videographers), as well as parents of kindergarten to 3rd grades who want to enroll their children in the program, view the video and get a feel for the program in action!