We have collected most frequently asked questions by parents, and put together this information in a question answer format.
What is OneInMath?
- Free program run by volunteers for students in grades K-3
- Focuses on individualizing the process of learning math to reduce math anxiety
What OneInMath is NOT
- We are not a substitute for math curriculum in school, nor are we a homework center (please do not send school homework).
- We are not a drop-in class.
- We do not cover concepts such as time, money, measurement etc.
- We do not prepare for standardized tests (e.g. STAR).
How often is the program offered?
The program is usually offered twice a year called sessions, in Fall (September to November) and in Spring (January to April). Please see Classes page for details of class schedule at various Locations for specific information.
What are minimum requirements to register my child?
The program focuses on basic math like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. A child must be able to count numbers from 1 to 20 fluently, and write numbers clearly and comfortably from 1 to 10. We do not teach reading or writing numbers. If your child does not meet the above criteria, this program is not for her/him.
What is OneInMath’s philosophy?
- We believe strengthening the basic math foundation is critical for long term success of the child which leads to better a community.
- We aim to foster students’ love for math in order to reduce math anxiety and build confidence!
- We have made our classes as non-competitive as possible to reduce peer pressure and provide a stress-free environment solely dedicated to learning.
What happens on the first day of class?
- Tutors determine student’s knowledge through a diagnostic test to identify both their level and gaps. This is completely based on what the student knows and not their age/grade.
- Students may have gaps in their knowledge and we first work to fill in what they don’t know before moving on to harder concepts.
- Ex: Student may be conceptually able to do 2 digit addition but is slow at adding numbers like 7+9 and may need to review 1-digit addition.
- Volunteers will update you at the end of the class with what their plan is for your child.
What happens during rest of the classes?
- Tutors review homework and do a quick oral and written check to determine how fast and accurate the child is at answering questions.
- Accordingly, they assign the next packet and teach them the new concepts. Students work for half an hour, during which time the tutor is there to guide them.
- At the end of class, tutors assign homework.
Who will teach my child?
Tutors are usually high school student volunteers who have scored a minimum B grade in math subjects. All volunteers go through tutor training so they are versed in OneInMath way to teaching to reduce math anxiety, develop confidence and build a strong foundation in math in students. The math content is individualized for each student.
How can I get most out of OneInMath?
- Keep all homework/classwork in a folder.
- Bring the folder and the homework back every class (even if it was not completed)
- Be regular to class (consistency is critical for students to retain learning).
- Inform tutor ahead of time if student is going to be absent.
How can I help my child?
- Have your child do homework regularly (practice is the key)
- Don’t give the answers directly, help them deduce the answers through pattern recognition, and memory. See teaching video for ideas.
- Have your child practice everyday. Ask a few math questions (you can ask from last page of the packet).
- If you are correcting homework, please do not erase the answers and please still bring the packet back to class. Circle wrong answers so tutor would know where the child struggled.
How else can I help my child?
- Incorporate Math in your daily routine with your child if you can
- Ask math questions when driving together or having dinner etc. as a fun activity.
- Ask your child to ask you questions and take turns
- Play math number game if you can
- Ludo with two dice, and move by either adding, subtracting or multiplying two numbers depending on your child’s ability
- Math match game: You can print out the game cards and play or buy the Scholastic Math Match game
Do I have to buy books for the class?
- No. We provide all material required for the class. Its available online for free.
- You only need to buy a folder with two pockets. It usually costs $1 at Walmart or Target.
- You will print specific packets for your student every week (or tutor will print and provide it to the student).
What if my child cannot attend a class?
- Note: Please do not send email to leads or tutors for absences.
- There might be occasions when your child cannot attend (e.g. sick).
- Please fill out Student Absence Form available on our website (Contact -> Request Student Absence) as early as possible, at least 48 hours before so we can plan.
- If your child is absent for 2 classes without notice, we will have to remove the student from the class as we usually have a long waitlist.
Can I pickup math packets when I child is absent from the class?
All math packets are available freely on the website. It is organized by the modules, and each module is organized by packets. You can look up the current packet that your child is working on, determine the module, and then go to that module on the website, and then look for the packet, and then download and print the next packet.
How do I know if there is a class next week or is it cancelled?
We make all efforts that there is no unplanned cancellation of classes. There are times when classes may be cancelled. These could be because of holidays that fall on that day or around that day, or if the room in which the classes are held is unavailable. Usually we work with the libraries to ensure we know upfront which classes will be cancelled and we let everyone of these dates.
For both planned and unplanned cancellations, you will receive an email a few days (usually 5 days) before the next class, if the next class is cancelled for any reason.
Each sheet of the packet looks very similar. Why are problems repeated?
Repetition is key to learning math. However, the problems get increasingly more randomized as the packet continues in order to build conceptual understanding.
- Problems are initially sequential to help student to identify patterns and connection between problems.
- Next, some problems are swapped to strengthen pattern recognition.
- Finally, the problems are fully randomized to practice memory recall.
My child can do multiplication, why is he/she doing two-digit addition?
It is not uncommon for students to be able to do more advanced math but also struggle with basic concepts. For example, student may be struggling to add 7+9 even though they are doing multiplication. Eventually it would hamper their progress in higher math. We will work with your child to review or practice addition before moving him/her to multiplication modules. We have found that addressing gaps in knowledge actually helps students do better overall.
My child has special needs. How can you support her/him?
OneInMath program is run by high school volunteers. They are not trained to teach children with special needs. If you child is autistic, or has other special needs, this program is not for her/him.
How can I contribute to OneInMath
There are many ways you can contribute to enhance and spread the program so more and more elementary students and high school students can benefit. Some of opportunities include frontend and backend app development, SEO/SEM optimizations, news coverage, connections to education researches/professors, journalists, librarians, school districts, and more. Please reach out to us via our Contact Us page.
Useful Links and Contact
- You can access all practice sheets and videos at oneinmath.com/math-sheets.
- To learn more about how it works and our philosophy, please go to:
- How it works: oneinmath.com/how-it-works
- Our philosophy: oneinmath.com/our-philosophy
- View Practice Sheets video for organization of practice sheets
- For any questions or concerns, please contact your respective session leads or contact us using the Contact Us form.
Parent Orientation
We offer parent orientation online a few days before session starts. If you have registered your child for the session, you will receive information about the orientation.
OneInMath session manager will be available at the table on the first day of class to answer any question or concern you may have or contact the coordinator using Contact Us form.